Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Nieuwsma/Schemper Annual Report 2011

I just got back from parent-teacher conferences for Kate and Elia, so my “head is in the game” (I also just saw High School Musical for the first time.) They went well…it’s comforting to know that any problems my children have are due to my parenting, not due to their intelligence. Aka, Kate is the perfect student, but a bit of a perfectionist and a soft speaker (her father), and Elia is right on target in all areas, but a bit of a “mother” in the classroom (aka, a “justice-orientated,” ever so slightly stubborn student.) I’m not sure where that comes from but I will take care of it and set things right. By myself.

Kate Jayne is delightful to have around…when she’s had enough sleep. She is a patient teacher, babysitter (though now I have to pay her $1 for her help), and daughter. She loves to write, read, and organize her craft stuff. Kate is slowly becoming a proficient Spanish speaker/reader as she continues in her 1st grade year of Spanish Immersion at Zeeland Christian. Kate lost her first two teeth this summer, so the Tooth Fairy is now a good friend of hers. She is never happier than when she’s sick (which isn’t too often, thankfully), or when her sister is being punished.

Elia May is exhaustingly delightful to have around. My initial concerns of her being ADD (because she wouldn’t sit down long enough to do anything last summer) are slowly going away…she is thriving in life and growing up into an independent thinker. She seems to enjoy her Spanish pre-school year and 4th year of life (or 5th, I guess.) She has taken Silas (the 4 yr old boy I babysit—the one she used to pin to the floor when they were younger) under her ever-so-forceful wing. She is not at all shy, much to the delight of many an adult under her charm. She is a passionate dancer and singer, and liver. (Not the organ.) Her new favorite persona is “Shar-pae”, the mean girl from High School Musical….which may prove to be unfortunate timing as her Sunday School Christmas musical is on the horizon.

Greg Kenneth is a perfectionist and a bit of a soft speaker. He spends his “free” time working on lesson plans and grading said lessons. Greg continues to teach, sing (occasionally), garden, cook, and learn. Whilst I was getting groceries one day, he called me to say he started researching black mold, and may or may not have torn out our basement shower…just in case I wondered why it was in the garage when I got home. He still reads to the kids every night, makes pancakes every Saturday morning (though now they’re from the gluten-free ‘flour’ he makes in his vitamix blender), and still underestimates his time, Greg’s goal this year is to find balance in his life (fiscal year, not calendar year I’m assuming.) I shall let you know how that goes. He was able to go to the Dominican Republic for 12 days last June to help at a clinic. Greg’s brothers (two of them) are getting married soon—one in a week (we’re driving to CO tomorrow for the weekend) and one over spring break in CA. The girls are flower girls in both! Greg continues to impress old and young alike. Silas came to our house after the summer and asked his mom, ”Is Mr. Greg real?” Yes, Silas, he’s all too real.

I, Sarah Patricia, am a delight to have around. (Where do you think my kids get it from?) All of my part-time jobs (I added working for a counselor several hours a week) add up to almost full time (without the benefits, but with flexible hours). In my never-ending quest toward self-improvement, I went off sugar the first of the year, and started exercising. I found that I can be quite disciplined when I want, but once I start cheating it’s downhill from there. At the moment Greg and I are off gluten, sugar, caffeine, and white potatoes in the hopes to rid ourselves of the candida (yeast) I was told was causing my chronic itchy-skin. It’s going relatively well…only time will tell if it works. I’m sure I’ll let you know, weather you’re interested or not. I’m the 1st grade GEMS teacher this year…not the most prepared teacher ever, but they’re young enough that it doesn’t seem to matter. Greg and I will be celebrating 9 years of marriage this month! The other day, as I was leaving the house at night, Greg yelled something after me. I had to poke my head inside to catch what he’d said. “If you see a deer, hit it right on.” It wasn’t until later that I asked him about this (sometimes it’s better just to nod and smile at crazy people) and it turns out *85% of deer-car fatalities are because the driver swerves. See,..full of facts, and love after all these years!

Joshua Allan is somewhat of a control-freak. But nice. He graduated with his master’s degree in counseling psychology from Spring Arbor University last spring (no one, not even he, attended his graduation.) He’s been spending his time since then looking for work (full or part time), taking care of his darling daughter, and probably playing a lot of computer games. He has had some recent leads for work, and hopes that something works out in the near future, but until then, he enjoys hanging out with his little buddy Avery at home.

Meredith Joy is the mother of a two-year-old, and she loves being the mother of a two-year-old. She has recently started her new role as Coordinator for Leadership Training for the Reformed Church in America. This means she gets to teach and train church leaders in leadership principles and develop curriculum. She will be traveling the same 30 days a year still, which is probably a plus (she has a two-year-old at home) and a minus (she has a two-year-old at home).

Speaking of two-year-olds, Avery Loren` is getting so big! She’s still a climber, hugger, and a delight. She talks from the moment she wakes up until she falls asleep at night, with a slight break during her nap (if she chooses to sleep at all during nap time, which is less likely these days, much to her parents’ dismay.) Avery loves to sing, especially the ABC song and “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.” The jury’s out about how her singing voice will develop. She loves her grandparents and cousins, and it’s looking like she’ll take after her mom with her love for books. It’s fun to see her learn new things and develop into a girl. (And Meredith wants me to add here that Sasha the dog is still alive and well and will turn 10 this year. She loves Avery…most of the time, and Avery loves her all of the time.)

Garold Duane (Dad) is quite a disciplined golfer. And preacher. Mom says he’s hit his stride (I think in preaching?). He just turned 65 and is beginning to think about retirement. Mom’s not sure that’s a good idea, and for that matter, neither is Dad. Dad still reads a lot and while in his car, prefers listening to books on his ipod to talk shows or the news. He says his current book is a good one – “Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand.

Barbara Jean (Mom) is a bit of a perfectionist. She works hard at everything she does, but is coming to terms with her need to slow down a bit. She’s been babysitting Avery semi-regularly and still mentors for Kid’s Hope (along with Dad). She’s started scrapbooking with Kate, and is the perfect grandma (Gran) for 3 girls! Mom recently had her first professional haircut in some years. Dad had been doing it, quite well by all (Dad’s) accounts, but Mom had a gift certificate to spend. I wonder if she was at all surprised to find that some people use both hands to cut hair.

Last Dec 25, after church, Mom and Dad left home for a fortieth anniversary trip. They flew to Atlanta where they stayed with Tim and Melinda Dykstra and family for a couple days, and then stole one of their cars and drove east to Charleston and Savannah for three days each, where they stayed in Bed and Breakfast. (Paula Dean’s restaurant is over-rated.) Several historical sites, plantations, and monuments later, their car mysteriously reappeared at the Dykstra home in Atlanta and the parentals flew back home to start on the next forty years.

My-oh-my, but it is true what they say—that the years go faster the older you get! I’m thinking my next resolution will be to join Greg in finding more balance in life as well. So if you want to join us, we’d love the company! (Or if you’d rather go off gluten and sugar that’s an option too.) May your new year be full of joy, peace, fruitfulness, and balance!

With much love,

Kate, Elia, Greg, Sarah, Josh, Mere, Avery, Duane, Barb

Since we haven’t gotten around to mass-producing a family picture this year, please visit Sarah’s blog if you wish to see how good looking we all still are. Go to:

*the deer-car fatality statistics are not accurate. Sadly, I wasn’t listening well enough to catch the actual percentage, but you get the idea.

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